Sunday, March 25, 2012

Malinoa all to ourselves!

Sunday turned out to be a ripper of a day so we packed up the boats (Mal took one load out on Striper) and headed out to Malinoa for the day. The tides where perfect and our visitors got to see Malinoa in her prime. Snorkeling, swimming, Island exploring and casual strolls around the Island, what else do you need for a peaceful Sunday in Tonga? 

Amanda swimming ashore after Lyndon anchored the boat just off the shore.

Eb loved it in her little shelter and had an absolute ball in the sand and swimming with everyone. She even enjoyed some rudie nudie time.
Dylan has become quite the diver, he tells us he's in training for spear fishing.
Amanda getting a fish eyes view of the coral tops.
Amanda found it a little hard to dive with a life jacket on but with clarity like this who needs to swim down.

After chasing Nemo around for a while Amanda suddenly realised how far out we were and it was time to return to shore.
Jodie found lunch to her usual liking - hot dogs and beer on a desrted tropical island.
Amanda sneaking up on Gale. She had everyone on their toes. "Quick no one is looking lets go for a dip," hence the floaties stayed on for most of the day.
On the way home Amanda and Eb hid from the heat.

On the way home we stopped at a small bunch of bombies so Ryan and our kids could jump in for one last dip.
Dyl found an interesting spot to have a little snooze on the way home but when you're tired I guess you can sleep anywhere.


  1. Hey there. This island looks amazing! We are going to Tongatapu in October. Do you know if anyone organises trips or if you can get taken out here? Can't find any info on the net on this island. Thanks!

  2. is the only guy that could possibly get you out there if you don't have your own boat. He's an Ex All Black and also knows these waters like the back of his hand and even has a family island, also deserted. There are plenty to choose from. Hope you enjoy the Kingdom.
