Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pot Luck is Back on.

After an unexpected delay thanks to Cyclone Jasmine last week, we finally made it back to Pot Luck dinners at a local Tafe style catholic school. At the start of each month they put on a three course meal. Jodie promised Margret Bath that we would continue to support these guys and it always makes for an interesting experience. This time we went with Mal, Karen and the Wilko's and it was very entertaining. We even had a tribute show to Whitney Huston by a few of the local Faka Lati's.
 The girls enjoying the wine.

 Our first Whitney Huston impersonator! Lip sinking thankfully.

 These boys threw in a little dance and the girls were so impressed at how they could even stand in those boots and heels. Definitely not natural.

 Paul got up close and friendly and Mal was all smiles seeing how the bypassed straight past him.

 It's a strange mix the catholic sister and the Faka lati show.

Paul couldn't help himself and slipped her a few Pa'anga for her efforts.

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