Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Louise's Hens Night

During Ryan and Amanda's holiday one of Jodies friends had a hens party so off she went with the girls, and Ryan and Amanda went off to dinner for some "alone time" on the same night.  Lyndon and Kerrie were at home with the kids. Jodie and crew had a lovely dinner at Cottage Breeze then it was off to Reload for cocktails (Ladies night $5 cocktails) and a little dance.  Meanwhile, Ryan and Amanda had finished their dinner early and so Lyndon didn't have to do two trips in the car he told them to walk "just down the road" to meet Jodie at the nightclub.  Well, "just down the road" turned into a 30 min walk for Ryan and Amanda and they were very thirsty campers by the time they gate crashed the hens party.  The bride to be did not mind at all and they were soon dancing away with everyone. Congrats to Louise and Scott who got married last weekend after 15 years and 3 children together - see you when you get back to Tonga.

The night started out quiet enough

Then out comes the decorations....

....and the gifts!

Off we go to Reload.

Of all the joints, in all the world, look who happens into our little club

Dancing time

Drinking time

Oh - how cute!!

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