Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cultural Dinner and Show at Liku'alofa

While we were staying at Holty's it was a perfrect opportunity to go down the road to the near by Liku'alofa Resort for their traditional feast and cultural show.  The place has just been done up so it was our first time also. Everyone was impressed with the huge buffet on offer (except fuss pots Emily and Dylan of course who only ate dessert) and the show was a combination of traditional dances from around the region. At the end of the show they always get some of the crowd up, and there was no asking Ryan twice, up he went with Gale and they were soon joined by Amanda, Kerrie and Ebony.  A great night was had by all.

Traditional dance number 1

Quirke cousins - who's ya daddy???

No need for artifical flower vases when you can use nature itself

Time for the show

The girls getting in on the act with fakapale for the dancer (gift of money for performing)

Ryan and Gale having a dance up the back near the buffet table

Ryan and Gale up on stage representing the Aussies and collecting the welcome cake

Not a bad prize for coming up on stage

Family dance time

Always a highlight of any cultural show - the fire dancers

Gale on stage with some little Tongan friends

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