Tuesday, June 21, 2011

USA - Las Vegas Wedding

As soon as we decided to go to America for our holiday it was a given that we would be going to Vegas, and of course going to Vegas meant a wedding with the King!!! Our 12 year wedding anniversary was in August but it didn't matter that we renewed our vows in May, we just got to celebrate twice this year. Jodie was walked down the aisle by Elvis singing, he then performed the ceremony and sung 2 more songs at the conclusion of the service. Unfortunately, they do not allow you to take any photos inside so these will have to do. Dylan was lucky as he snapped off this pic of the "King" just before we left. Graceland Chapel is on the outskirts of the old Vegas so we had a nice long limo ride there and back and plenty of Elvis tunes to get us in the mood. The whole event was a great experience, although it would have been better if we had some friends there (rent a crowd would have done), but you get that. We will always have the memories and of course the video.

All glammed up and a wedding to go to with the King! Jodie finally got the red wedding dress she always wanted, Emily got to wear green sneakers with her beaded green dress, Dylan did not have to tuck his shirt in and Lyndon did not have to wear a tie - talk about a compromise, everyone was happy.

Happy, shiny, married people, we have now followed in the footsteps of some famous people - Jon Bon Jovi, and then some infamous people - Brittany Spears

Arriving in style at Graceland Wedding Chapel

Sealed with a kiss, the kids loved the limo.

Arriving back at the MGM Grand, a married woman (again)

Glamour shot time, before our celebration dinner at yet another fabulous Wolfgang Puck restaurant

Us pretending to be in the"in crowd" tickets for this night club are sold out weeks in advance.

Legal yet again, Lyndon trying to be tricky with our certificate, flowers (the new shoes he bought me) and Emilys green finger nails to match her dress and shoes.

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