Tuesday, June 21, 2011

USA - California Adventure Land

Our 5 day pass entitled us to also visit California Adventure Land, next door to Disneyland so we spent 2 days there also. Again, heaps to see and do so up early every morning, although it wasn't always sun shiny days -check out the fog behind Emily (at 7am) on the balcony of the lounge, lucky for us it was gone by 9am. We got to do all of the rides (some 2 or 3 times) and the activities but below is just a highlight of some of the favourite ones.

The kids really enjoyed the Monsters Inc show on the main street and the ride itself, I was cheeky enough to have the little camera with me on all the rides and took photos from the inside, which have turned out to be great lasting memories for the kids.

Lyndon and Dylan loved the Tower of Terror, although Emily and I were not as excited about the whole thing.
A free falling elevator ride down 3 stories was not exactly what we needed about a belly full of snacks. In the same part of the park we saw Disney's Aladdin Musical which was fabulous and took in a show with Kermit and his muppet friends.

Off we went to Paradise Pier to check out the boardwalk games where the kids won some stuffed toys (like we needed anymore). Dylan and Lyndon rode the California Screamin rollercoaster a few times while Emily and I went round and round in Mickey's Ferris Wheel.

Next it was off to the "Golden State" for some rock climbing in the Redwood Creek Challenge Trail then onto the Grizzly River Run for some whitewater rafting action. Also in this section were some great little restaurants and a fabulous Margarita Bar, and the kids got to see how tortillas and sourdough bread are made.

One section was dedicated to showing how two of the new attractions will be added to the park. It was very interesting with the initial concept design plans on display all the way through to a 3D model of how it will look and operate once completed. There will be a new Cars ride (picture board below) and one for the Little Mermaid (where you are travelling under the sea in an oyster shell). Emily jumped in for a photo with Lightening McQueeen and Maiter for her cousins Thomas and Lucais as they are Cars mad.

Onto some more rides, this time the Jumpin Jellyfish, which gave us great views of the entire park and then the Symphony Swing. Favourite ride of the day was the Toy Story ride (even though the line up took 70mins) and the toy box photo at the end.

On the last night we had dinner at the Wine Country Trattoria, good old italian favourties with California wines, food was great and then we settled in to watch the "World of Colour" water and light show. Absolutely amazing, a spectular show highlighting some famous Disney shows, characters and music.

We were all sad to have our time at Disneyland end but at the same time looking forward to the next part of our holiday. Hooray for Holywood - here we come!!!!!

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