Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Back in the Swing of Things

We're truely back in the swing of it now with the kids in their last weeks of school and the sad part of Island life continues with more farewell functions for friends. This time around we have begun the functions to see off Lyndon's Boss, Mark and Linda who leave mid next month. The parties start early as Island time doesn't seem to kick in when you are packing up all your goodies you have gathered over the period of your posting (so we are told). Also the kids have finished this terms exams (a week early we might add) they have been busy practicing their plays for the end of week concerts and playing games. Much to Jodies disgust.

After a lovely dinner it was time for the worlds shortest Tongan speech, "thanks for everything Boss!"

We organised a kava bowl from us boys engraved with all the Patrol boat names, Base name and their Tassie farm name (SWEETWATER) around the rim and all our names on the 4 legs. Sadly Sam and family missed out as they are overseas and we needed to present it to them early as it weighed a tonne and they needed to get it in their container with all the other artifacts, as Mark says.

The girls had to jump in for a group shot too. Linda cooked a magnificent roast, then it was time to finish off all the left over spirits.

Week two at the Aquathon - The girls brought their A game and had a ball.

It was a double header this week as Tomasi and Dyl also teamed up. The Quirke's and the Fineangonofo's double trouble.

13 kids the first week and 27 in total this week.

Dylan powered home in the run, Tomasi did the swim.

The swimming leg included rock hopping, Em did the swim and Mu did the runs.

This weeks concert was by Em's class 6 with Mrs Loisi

Emily played the Queen in her group skit, very appropriate for our little island princess.

Next she had a go at being a science teacher. Salt in water - now this is a non reversable change.

Finally the girls did a dance which they learnt at dance classes and taught the other girls.

Before Sam and family departed for the States, the Burlings (Mark and Linda) put on a compound farewell BBQ for everyone in the compound. The house sitter, gardener, security guard, Kalistiani and us. It was a great spread and a nice way for all the oldies to say goodbye.

Siua our permanent night guard.

Sia- Mark and Linda's part time house sitter over the years.

Timoti and Family our new gardner as of 2011.

And our stalwart Tiani and Moti with Jr and JrJr (AKA Masealino).

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