Monday, February 7, 2011

Maritime Museum

The kids spent one Wednesday morning at the Art Gallery doing an art and craft school holiday session, which they both loved, unfortunately we had to leave their creations behind. When the session finished we wandered down to the harbour front for a bite to eat and decided to go through the Maritime Museum instead. Although not in the original plan, the museum proved quite a good outing. We ended up spending 3 hours there with the kids immersed in all of the exhibitions and there were plenty of "hands on" boat stuff which made Dylan very happy. It was a very educational afternoon and we learnt a lot about a famous Kiwi called Sir Peter Blake who had a very productive and active life only to be cut tragically short when he was shot dead by pirates. We were very tired after walking around all afternoon so it was straight home and in bed for an early night.

The view into Auckland Harbour at the Museum

Dylan and his old fashion outboard

A bigger version for Emily

The NZ entry which won an America's Cup (although I forget which year)

Replica America's Cup

Emily in charge of an olden day harbour ferry

Dylan in charge of his yacht

The kids were happy to see this Tongan boat

and this traditional one

Although not a part of the museum exhibit this ship "Pacific Pearl" from London was in docked in the harbour and absolutely huge

Especially from this angle

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