Friday, February 4, 2011

Kelly Tarlton's Antarctic Encounter and Underwater World

With 2 weeks of jam packed activities planned, there was no time to waste. First outing, a trip in the Shark Bus to Kelly Tarlton's to see the penguins. This underwater world was created inside a series of old war time sewer tunnels under the ground, with the main aquarium up over your head whilst you walked through it. Having not seen any live penguins before we were all excited to see the little furry critters. You view them from inside a warm snow mobile that does a loop around the enclosure. It also includes a historical replica of Scott's Hut so you can read and experience how the scientists survived in Antarctica. The kids couldn't believe how primitive things were back then.

Off in the shark bus to Kelly Tarltons, lucky for us it collected and dropped us off in front of Skycity Casino where we were staying.

The red snow mobile doing laps around the enclosure.

BEFORE...... A moulting penguin (not really a pretty sight)

AND AFTER...... But once all the old feathers are shed, they are quite cute.

They don't really do much except lie on their bellies or stand around all day.

Now apart from the penguins, there were lots of other things to see and do with the kids interactive games keeping them busy for a few hours. The biggest test was to see which one of us could keep our hands in -5 degree water for 60 seconds. Mum was the winner only just, it took about 5 mins to get the feeling back in my hand.
Jodie's favourite display, 23 in one big tank. Security cameras prevented her from putting it in her bag to take home for dinner.

Dylan helping to feed the crayfish.

Emily's favourite was of course Nemo and friends.

Dylan's favourite because of all the groovy lego displays inside the tank.

Huge suckers aren't they, the sting ray that is, not the kids!!!

Another exhibit with the WOW factor.

Who said the day had to be all about the kids.

If you want to see the wonders of green screen photography, look up click on daily photos and type in this number KLTN101150001010 and it will show you the 4 photos they super imposed of us into various backgrounds. If the play button isn't working try the save photos option and it will let you look at them.

Always a tad dramatic our Emily

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