Friday, January 14, 2011

White Sands Holiday Retreat

After boxing day we snuck away with the Walton-Frances for four nights at White Sands Resort to simply have a few days of relaxation. This place is quickly becoming one of Jodie's favourite relaxation places. Made easier by the fact that the kids have a ball with so many outdoor things to do and places to explore. Not sure that everyone would call it relaxing with shore line exploration, cruising the ponds of the inner reef, snorkeling, surfing, swimming in both the ocean and pool, then there was the ball games and obstacle course Dom set up just to name a few things. We took turns in cooking dinner on the first two nights and then we snuck off to another resort for their show and dinner on our third night. Also as dedicated Hashers we made the trip back into town for Hash on Thursday followed by dinner out before returning for our usual night activities like crab hunting and drinks on the beach. Ahh...... bubbles, sand and stars, is there any better way to finish your day off?
The crew with the view from our Fale.

We explored the coast line at high tides and the reef at low tides. Not that Jodie could get lost in these shorts!

Jodie and Dyl relaxing at the waters edge in a natural rock seat.

One day Dyl found his own special little cave along the coast.

Thanks to Nation Geographic channel Dyl was all over this Spanish Dancer.
The sunset view at low tide was just magical.

Drinks and music on the beach was the best way to finish each and every day.

Em putting a few dollars on the dancer at the dinner show! Now that she knows some moves she (and mum) appreciate it so much more.

A funky shot of the Poi's with a time lapse.

Lyndon mucking around in the inside surf. He spent most of the day (high tide) pushing the kids onto the waves on their boogie boards.

On our last morning, the 31st we celebrated Nessy's actual birthday. Hannah knocked these up while the rest of us did Hash, what a treat.

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