Thursday, January 13, 2011

Our 1st Christmas in TONGA

Merry Christmas to one and all!!! This year we started off the night before Christmas and all was quiet (we wish) No really, Jodie cooked up a magnificent feast (a different meal for each child and then ours, how spoilt) then we all moved out into the compound. Lyndon had set up the projector in the shed and everyone gathered to watch "Polar Express" & "The Grinch" a big treat seeing we have no cinema's in Tonga. Sam and Dave supplied the interval entertainment with fireworks. We finished around midnight so it was straight off to bed. Xmas day came late as we were lucky parents and got a sleep in for the first time. Possibly due to the fact the kids were up so late and simply flogged? The kids ripped through all their pressies from over the waters. Thanks again for the pressies and the kids where so shocked to see so many goodies under the tree.

Jodie knocked up a cracker of a meal. Air con was required it was that hot in the house though.

The heavens opened half way through the first movie so we reversed the screen and sat inside.
Tim thought the first one was a dud. Try again Dad................

Much improved Dave.

Sam with his safety pluggers and squint. Not to mention going off with a big bang. Fireworks bring out the kid in everyone and even more so when you can let them off yourself.

The tree the night before the kids.

The next morning though and after the BBQ breakfast - Ozzy style, it was time to kick back and relax as our planned sailing trip around the harbour was delayed for 24hrs due to bad weather. Lunch consisted of left overs and drop ins from friends through out the afternoon with heaps of time spent in and around the pool just cooling down.

The kids were all smiles! As all kids are on Christmas day and the more they smiled the more we did!

The compulsory family shot.

Jodie and Rochelle kicking back with some bubbles to celebrate Christmas, Jodie style.

Lyndon thought he might build some little human pyramids, with Em and Moo. Jodie, where's my Xmas shoulder massage!!

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