Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Em's OTS Stage Fright Performance

It was time for the girls end of year performance and as usual they were all very excited. With costumes on and faces painted they were ready to rip up the dance floor and so they did. The challenge is an open invitation for whoever wishes to perform. In true Tongan style though they started a little late and ran over but it was another great night with heaps of entertainment. The girls opened the music challenge followed by a few individual efforts, a two man guitar show and a few lip sinks which had everyone in stitches. In conclusion they finished the night off with an all in dance fest.

As usual the Judo hall comes in handy as the stage with the girls taking centre stage.

Our little princess all spruced up.

The entire OTS dance troop including instructors.

Yvanne improvising as the mic stand!

This performance was amazing with these two guys playing the one song.

To finish the night off the crowd joined in for a free for all dance. Another great night of home grown entertainment.

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