Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Our 1st Year Tongan Anniversary - 5 Jan 2011

After a glorious year in paradise our anniversary day adventure summed it all up perfectly!!
We all had a sleep in, followed by a BBQ breakfast and Jodie kissing everyone for her anniversary present. After this we loaded up the truck and headed to the boat for a day out in the sun at Malinoa with friends. We left the Navy base and a massive storm front came across. No Malinoa, you couldn't even see 10m in front of the boat and the wind was screaming so we decided to make the most of it and hide at the Pangi bar -Plan B. As usual the kids had a ball and the weather soon cleared enough for a snorkel and play around Pangi. The dad's stayed inside and played a few games of pool while it bucketed down even though we were already wet from swimming ashore?
Initially we were the only fools on the Island but the kids had the swing tree all to them selves.

The view of the tail end of the storm and the crystal clear waters.

Dom and Lyndon had a few games of pool followed by some darts while the kids played in the rain.

Jodie and Hannah relaxed at the bar but it was too early for Bubbles so it was tea for two.

Now that the weather had cleared sufficiently enough and Lyndon had blown a blood vessel or two blowing up the ski tube by mouth it was time to have some different fun - Plan C. Not sure who had more fun though Lyndon driving or the kids getting thrown around but everyone was up for a go. Also the Pangi resort makes for a nice backdrop in the photos.
Hannah and Eve were first out or is that in?

Em showed Neesy the ropes.

Dom thought he was indestructible for about 30 seconds then those office hands just gave up!

Best effort of the day went to Jodie and without glasses either. No prompting or egging on was even required it was all her.

Next adventure, Plan D - Lyndon saw a window of blue sky and smooth seas so we headed out to Malinoa and anchored out off the island amongst the reef. A late lunch was had on board while everyone had a snorkel or swim. Then all of a sudden the storm clouds rolled back in, Plan E pack up quick smart and run for home! Lyndon barely had time to get everyone back in and the anchor up and we were stuck in the rain again!!
Em and Mella hitching a ride behind Lyndon.

Jodie spotted this coming and we were OK time to go soon.

Then all of a sudden this was apon us and Lyndon was moving in a very Naval manner.

Half way home, when it wasn't so ruff the kids and even Hannah had a little rest. They can sleep anywhere if they are tired enough.

Then to top off "Quirky's Uninteresting Tour" the engine blew the cooling pump belt, just inside Fafa Is, thankfully. The outboard was being very stubborn so Lyndon went with Plan F - show Dom and the kids how to fix the main engine. After being adrift for 30odd minutes all mechanical repairs were complete and our adventure continued - yep, Plan G straight back along side so Lyndon could have a rest and a well earned beer or two.

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