Friday, January 14, 2011

Boxing Day Adventure

After missing out on our Christmas day sailing adventure we were lucky enough to get the call from Marcus and Deb, jobs on! We loaded up the boat in the sunshine but by the time we left the dock it was black clouds on the horizon. The decision was made to sail to Pangi and ride out the weather. Once anchored everyone swam ashore and then the sun came out. The call went out and a few more friends came over for the day. By late arvo the seas had dropped off enough that the boys bonded and took the boat out for a sail. At the end of the day and as part of Hash tradition a group of us walked home from the Island at low tide. The kids had a ball finding little critters every step of the way.
Jodie, Deb and the kids enjoying the storm clouds over Fafa Is, out front.
All ashore who's swimming ashore!

Lyndon relaxing aft rowing the kids out to the wreck for a jump and swim around.

Some of the crowd leaving Pangi for the walk home.

Lyndon ensuring he was hydrated before they left. He figured there was enough water so he thought a beer was a good idea.

Just a sample of the kids finds! Which also included 3 & 4 legged versions, blue and black ones.

Sea slugs where a treat too. Just ask Nessy.

Dyl found this strange little sea cucumber and Em thought she found a clam which turned out to be a cool crab much to her surprise when she tried to pick him up.

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