Monday, January 3, 2011

End of Year Farewells

It's that time of the year and everyone was leaving this week, we saw off Bruce (Aust High Commissioner), The Simpsons (our neighbours) and on a shorter term the Mekee's (Rugby John, DD and kids) and the Cvetko's (John, Annie and Clancy). Apparently it is a normal thing for people to get off the Island for the festive season. During the weeks functions though we had a few high profile visitors for the AFL people - the U/17 Boomerang's here for the South West Pacific games along with a few ring in's visiting family and friends - being Willy Mason and Israel Falau. Sal and Lincoln were very excited not so much Lyndon.
Jodie put on a great spread for the big people and the kids ate in the other room.

Santa even visited at the High Comm Xmas party. The kids aren't too old, just yet but Santa did have a bung leg.

Our Tongan 007 - Bruce the High Commissioner, heading straight out after his farewell speech.

The Boss said a few words for Joe before he headed off too.

The Boomerang boys showed off their Aboriginal Haka, they did very well during the weeks competition with some scores in the hundred's.

The big men at another Navy base Christmas function.

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