Thursday, January 13, 2011

Another Hectic Month

During the month we had a few other smaller incidents and outings. We had our first loss in the chook house poor DYEM passed due to a growth. But the kids took it in their stride and made her a tomb stone in the garden.

DYEM's resting place.

Jodie was very excited to have her kitchen back and celebrated by baking for three days straight.

Dylan receiving his end of year certificate from the principle.

Em's turn to receive her certificate.

A quick photo shoot with Miss Hailala for the 2011 Jason's Tourist Magazine.

Jodie and Annie went and supported John at his Christmas Auction. Jodie also came home very happy as the proud owner in part shares of a 9kg $390 smoked ham on the bone.

Lyndon returning in from his surf (esky lid riding) out the back as Jodie and the kids played inside the reef.

Yvanne came along for the day but we suspect he wasn't quite ready for the worldly advice from Dylan "The Slater" Quirke.

Christmas sees the numbers drop off at Hash but Em and Georgia came up with the goods for the die hard Hashers.

Another night hanging out at the Fishing club, this time to see and support our friend Eva (second on the left) as she took out the title as the TIGFA Best female fisherman. Tony must have been a good skipper??

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