Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tongan Breast Cancer Ride

Another good cause and another reason for poor Jodie to miss out on her Sat morning sleep in. This weekend we participated in the Tongan Breast Cancer ride, pink shirts and all. It was an early morning start (for some) 0700 registration followed by a 9.6Km ride around town with a police escorts which made a pleasant change from the usual cycling in Tonga. The police not only stopped traffic but they also stopped the barking dogs from giving chase. Poor Jodie did the ride injured as she had a stack on the ride down from our compound to the front for the start. This made it a 16km ride in all for the Q tribe. After the ride we hung around had a chat with friends and knocked back a few hot dogs for breakfast. We replaced Em for this event with one of Dyl's mates Blaise as she was having a sleep over / party with Jessica and the crew.

Some of the kids at the starting line.
(The photo was an after thought though, see the hot dogs)
Jodie in Hot Pink and Lyndon in last summers salmon.

Every event in Tonga starts with a group warm up. Even the police joined in.

Clancy had it a little easier than Dad.

At the half way mark the police bunched us up again before heading out for the return leg.

Jodie enjoying the view, Not.
"Get out of my way Lyndon!" was her catch cry.

Rochelle pulling off 'The look' in all pink.

Em and the girls after the sleep over and a little more spritely than the cyclists.

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