Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Northern Sea Mounts Adventure

The weather was down this week, enough to allow Lyndon, Sam and Aaron a chance to head out for a fish. The plan for the day was a high speed (25knts) race up north ,about 38miles to try our luck trawling around two very fishy looking sea mounts. This was to be our first dedicated monster hunting trip. No wives, no kids and definitely NO banana's! Once we approached the edge of the Nuku Alofa reef though, 30m to 800m deep in less than 300m of water we couldn't help but drop the skirts in. Being breast cancer month we put out two pink ones. It was only minutes and off screamed one of the big rods.

Sam was first up and pulled in a ripper of a dolphin fish (Mahi Mahi) smiles all round was this going to be the day? We pulled the lines in after that short trawl and took advantage of the calm seas and headed north for 1.5 hrs. On approach to the sea mounts we dropped lures again and again the pink thing was inhailed. Aaron was on this time.

Aaron with his Mahi Mahi.
Sadly the seas began to pick up a little so we trawled around the sea mounts for a while picking up several tuna including two smaller Yellow fin. No monsters for Lyndon though and then it was time to trawl back along some other drop off's. By this time we were onto the pink lure theory and had changed all to pink (ish). We also put two and two together and realised whenever Aaron was throwing up we hooked up. So as he headed to the side we put our gimbles on, then another of the big rods went off. Finally....... with Lyndon off the wheel it was time for my fish.
21kgs of Wahoo later and some sore arms I was all smiles!
The fun continued with a few more Mahi Mahi being pulled inboard.
With the esky full we decided to pull in lines and make the trip home a little more comfortable with the following sea.

The spoils of a great day! Not bad when you can't close the esky.

The boys and some of the catch. Is this a one off????

The fun part of the day over it was cleaning, the boat, the fish, the tray of my truck and then myself.
What a day! Finally
(Now Dyl has decided trawling isn't so bad.)

1 comment:

  1. Nice work buddy. Good to see you finally being able to get out for some decent trolling. Cracka hoo!!!!!!!
