Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Breast Cancer Ladies Day Luncheon

A big month of activities here in Tonga for Breast Cancer Awareness month with the highlight being the Annual Ladies Breast Cancer Luncheon. With 50 ladies all celebrating the "Calypso" theme, it was pink flamingos and pink pina colada's all round. We had a beautiful meal, lots of raffles prizes to be won and plenty of money raised for a good cause. Just so you know - we are not doing it too tough over here as this was our menu for the day; Smoked Salmon Crostini, Diablo Prawns, Jamaican Jerk Chicken, Baked Ham with Caribbean Glaze, Caribbean Salad, Rice with Black Beans, Calypso fruit salad with Raspberry Sauce, Pineapple Sorbet and plenty of pink champagne!!!!!
A beautifully pink decorated marquee added to the ambience of the day

Jodie showing off as usual

Pina Colada's and pink champagne were the order of the day

Pink, Pink, Pink, a Sea of Pink, not even a touch of last seasons salmon - just PINK!

The "bra bags" created by some members of the Tongan Women's International Social Club (TWISC)

Some lovely options to choose from for the up coming Melbourne Cup???

The major auction prize "Boobe" a hand made doll, sold for $300 pa'anga (about $160 AUD) and was hotly contested by Zettie and Althea

Best costume winners along with HRH (in black) and Hon. Fatafehi, the President of the Tongan Breast Cancer Society

Jennifer taking the Calypso theme just a little too far????
Jodie won this flamingo in the raffle and now she proudly sits in the vegie garden.

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