Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jodie the HHH Hare

Sorry this ones a late entry from a fortnight ago but can't be missed as Jodie volunteered to set the course for Hash House Harriers (HHH) from our house, which made her the Hare. In preparation Jodie spent Wed arvo with the kids out and about around our village finding her 3km walk and 5km run also marking it out with chalk and some ribbons. Two odd hours later it was all done and dusted. The next morning Jodie woke in tears as it had bucketed down over night and more than likely washed away her efforts. Although, after a quick remark Thursday afternoon it was all a go. Jodie's markings where on the money as none of the 43 Hashers got lost and there were no dog bites either. We have also now learned that ribbons might as well be given to the local kids as they disappeared very quickly too.
As congratulations for setting the Hash you get to skull a beer which Jodie needed no encouragement for. While the beer was in hailed the rest of us sing the 'Down Down' song. Yep, this happens every Thursday arvo we also organise the drinks (as we have a ute). But you'll be glad to hear there is no drinking until after the event and the moto of the club is ' Drinkers with a running problem!'

Some of the crowd gathered under our house after the Hash.

Just one of the many sites we see. Its hard to spot the piglets.

Jodie during her 'Down Down'


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