Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sunny Sunday

Sunday rolled round and after the heavens opened we thought we were in for a wet one. Then Lunch came and so did the sun so a quick ring round and we loaded up the truck and headed to Keleti beach. The kids need to do some serious secret beach exploration so they told us and as soon as we hit the beach they were off!

Jodie setting every one up in what little shade we could find.

Dylan headed off his way, across the rocks! He's a little billy goat.

Em took the higher softer road with Dad. Still needed to be a billy goat though.

We finally settled on the perfect swimming hole!

What else do you do in your own pool?

Dyl attempting to catch mud skippers on the rocks, with no luck though and with no major injuries either.

The girls hanging out at the main swim beach.
The day was too nice and was escaping us far to quickly so we decided to stay and have dinner at the resort at the top of the cliff face over looking the sunset.

Picture perfect - Sunset dinner with the Q tribe and our rock pools in the back ground.

The view minus us.
For those Navy people - Sunset report: sunset was (sadly) obscured Sir!

Dylan hooking into his .............. fish and chips. What else.

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