Thursday, October 21, 2010

Friends Return

This week has been a quiet one, we had friends return from a long stay over in NZ but Nada also returned with a new family member - Little Lucas (possibly the wrong spelling as they are French/Swiss). Lyndon picked them up from the airport but Jodie got them back into Is life with a trip out to Pangimotu during the week. Em couldn't wait to hold the little one and she makes a great baby sitter too. She tried to ask but we cut her off at the past and said she just has Dyl to look after for the rest of her life!

Em finally got her hands on the Bub.

Hanna and Nada having drinks at Pangi for the girls day.

Lucas with a Tongan mobile (Coconut leaf)
Friday night we headed out for Dinner at Jen &Johns minus John as he was off with the Tongan Rugby team who sadly lost to the USA and Canada. Dylan was at a party and was dropped off Tongan style a ute load of screaming kids coming up the road.

The Ocean of light crew.

The veggie garden is going great guns and we now have sprouts shooting up and our lettuce although a little manky/scrawny is also making progress. Jodie has placed her version of a scare crow in the patch.

Hopefully the Pink Flamingo will scare the birds and bugs off.

Some of our chooks. I can't tell them apart yet but the kids know them all by sight.

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