Wednesday, August 8, 2012

TWISC Booze Cruise - All aboard.

Finally another TWISC Booze cruise has come around and Lyndon has no work functions on this time. With everyone onboard Sam took his boat "The Deep Blue" out through the basin into a beautiful sunset. Jodie had organised a few activities to entertain us during the cruise. Such the hostess. 

Dave and Em had Dave's parents Greame and Maureen in town so they came along for the ride.

We were in safe hands with Sam as our skipper. Ex TDS Navy Captain.

Rochelle, Sal, Lyndon and Jodie Not enjoying the Sunset as it is behind us.

As the sun set the wind came out and even Paul had to exchange his Elvis cape for a thick blanky.

Beautiful one way but the return trip had a real edge on it. Not enough beers maybe. Luck there was plenty of spare blankets to go around.

The boat turns and it's smiles all round.

Quiz time and with it being Friday the 13th it seemed appropriate to use that as the basis for the questions.

Sal's cousin Lina was one of the last off. What a great night.

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