Friday, August 17, 2012

Tongan Block Party

Part of the Heilala festival is the block party which is were they block off the main street in town and have a big party with all types of entertainment. 

Before we headed out we took the kids to one of our newest Italian restaurants for pizza dinner, as they did not want to have the traditional BBQ hot dogs that would be on offer at every street corner durning the night.

From the restaurant we walked into town as we knew from last year that she gets pretty packed. As we arrived the street parade was coming through with bands doing their thing. 

They were followed by the Miss Heilala contestants.

The Japanese community put on a few displays but we liked the traditional drums the best.

Jodie and the kids enjoying some more live entertainment. Most of the families come down early then as the night goes on the younger teenagers come out.

Chinese stalls sold everything that glowed and both Em and Dyl needed their cut of the action.

Some stalls were simply groups of people playing music, others had food stalls or displays.

BBQ chicken anybody?

As the night went on the crowds gathered and the music seemed to get louder, definately time for us to head home - oy we must be getting old.

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