Friday, August 17, 2012

Sunday Mass for the Royal couple.

With the final event being the Royal Mass we all met at Steve and Dee's before heading to the Kings church. Lyndon finally had to think about an outfit as there was no military dress for this one, while Jodie was just on a roll. It was another great day with so much tradition to soak up and fun to be had with a great bunch of friends.

Who looks better in a dress now?

The girls striking a pose before breakfast and the start of another big day.

The who's who of Tongan fashion, just all messed up.

These people are known as the Fahu. Traditionally they were used at functions as royal seats to ensure the Royalty are higher than the rest of the people at the function.

The Crown Prince and Princess front and centre.

The money goes in the bowl girls, not out. Being three rows from the front we all ensured that there was some considerable cash going into the collection bowl

The offical blessings were in Tongan but the singing was amazing as it always is in church.

Because the Fahu were used as seats so that the royals would always be higher than the rest of the gathering,  to make both the Fahu and Royals comfortable they have a very thick mat wrapped around their waste.

Jodie departing church for the second time in a week, must be a new record.

The Digicel Crew walking down to the reception at the Palace grounds.

Eva left Tony at home for the day as she wasn't missing the celebrations for anyone. You go girl!!!

Even the water bottles had Royal labels, very cool not that the water was.

Let the feasting begin. 

There was no room on our table to even put your drinks. It was plates on top of plates and very nice too.

The wedding cake table had some beautiful cakes to select from, not that we got any though.

Only the top two tiers remained of the Royal wedding cake.

How appropriate to finish the event off with a group shot infront of the Palace with all the guys.

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