Friday, August 17, 2012

Sam's Confirmation

Stephen and Dee invited us to attend Sam's confirmation, wow two churches in as many weeks. It was a special gathering at the church as the Bishop attended and fired a few questions at Sam to test his spiritual knowledge.  We spread out across the church to capture all the excitement for them on camera.

Just another outing in our Tongan outfits. Dyl was going more relaxed.

Sam was called up front and centre then the big man fired some questions at him which he did well to answer.

Stephen do his reading. Might I add this is also his first time in a Tavala and Tupanu.

Dee did her reading and the congregation quite enjoyed the Irish accent. Plenty of chuckles.

Sam is now confirmed a warrior of God.

Big Jack took the honors of standing behind him as his sponsor in the church.

Family shot with the Bishop.

Very rare for Sam's mates back home to actually have the Bishop do your confirmation one on one. 

Some things will never change. Just hanging with the boys outside church.

The Tae Kwon Do crew all together at Church.

After Church we had a late lunch at Steve's. While chatting we discovered that they hadn't seen much of what Tonga has to offer so we decided to take them on a Tiki tour of their own back yard before they depart our shores.

After seeing the Tongan land bridge we went to one of the lookouts in the hope of spotting some whales for Dee.

Jodie decided to take them on her version of an off road tour. "Follow me, it's great you'll love it!"

Steve not looking so keen about doing physical activities on his Sunday.

But once we were down it was smiles all round.

The boys decided to dig a hole and bury poor Dyl in it.

1800QUIT - Quirky's Un Interesting Tours.

On our next lookout the whales decided to put on a show and every time we attempted to depart they would start jumping again. Gotta love Tonga this time of year!!!

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