Monday, August 13, 2012

Royal Ball at the Dateline Hotel

Thanks to Stephen we picked up a short notice invite (i.e. 3 hrs) to attend the Royal Ball at the Dateline Hotel. So after the Booze cruise it was a quick change in the car at the boat ramp carpark into our finest evening wear. We both got a few strange looks from passers by but with Jack singing opera in the early stages of the night there was no time to waste. We walked in as he was singing and was shuffled down to the very front. WOW! The entire foyer of the hotel was decked out like a fairy tale story. It proved to be a great night of entertainment and fun with friends.

Twinky lights and beautiful table decorations made for a very memorable night.

Not hard to spot the only two blokes in White dinner suits. Well Mess undress for Lyndon.

During speeches the traditional dancers came out again although this time, people would bring massive mat's and Tapa's out as gifts for the Wedding couple.

His Majesty, King Tupou VI and the Queen even graced the dance floor on occassions. The atmosphere was amazing, like we were at a friends wedding reception.  

One surprise was the BYO but don't panic Jodie had it covered.

Steve and Dee cutting a rug.

Look out here comes that crazy sailor and his spinning wife again.

We had a great seat with the head table just behind us, yes that is the Royal's behind us but stranger yet, yes, it is a box of wine (hot mind you) on the table.  

The girls were so happy to catch up as Dee had only just arrived back in town and missed the actual wedding.

Such a happy group of people. Rory is another Irishman and never stops smiling.

The King and Queen depart the evenings event.

The Crown Prince and Princess see mum and Dad off.

Back to the dancing and party.

Just a wee bit more was that Steve?

The Tapa and dancer's continued throughout the night.

You wouldn't guess Steve works for a phone company. Txt "I'm done how bout U?" Stephen -  she's right there next to you - just look up :-)

Before we headed off we were lucky enough to get a quick photo with the Happy couple and thanked them for a another great night.

No drink driving here. Thanks for a great night guys! Home thank you James.

Do I look good in this jacket? Nysiola and Eb looked after the kids for their second long day in a row. Thanks again and get my jacket off Nysiola.

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