Monday, January 16, 2012

TKD Gradings & 2011 Breakup.

For the last Grading of the year both Em and Dyl graded for their Blue belts it was a long night but much cooler than the usual Saturday afternoon in the shed. Both the kids did well in all aspects of the grading. They even got to break some boards (Jr one's) at the end of the night to demonstrate that they were well on their way to perfect good techniques. Everyone did an excellent job and we were very proud of them as instructors.

This is in the middle of their patterns. They love having one on one free sparring.

Our group shot at the end of the grading and 2011.

The following Saturday we all headed down to Otuhaka beach for a Xmas breakup and social gathering.
Dyl getting the evil eye from Ebonie. "Don't you drop me!" Dyl's response "Or what?"

One on one water style!

Yvane and Em came up with a new technique.
Yvane's closing speech for 2011.

Em successfully passed to her Blue belt. (Dad old belt recycled)

Dyl also picked up his and a new belt to match.

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