Friday, January 20, 2012

Eua Christmas Escape with the 5 Fines

This year for our Christmas break we headed to Eau Island just off the coast to stay with some friends Tony and Eva at their little resort "The Deep Resort". It was a great four nights and we had the added bonus of the 5 Fines staying with us too. Built in baby sitters for all of us parents as the kids entertained themselves nearly all week. With so many things to do and a picture perfect beach right out the front, the hardest thing to do was keep up the sunscreen on the kids.

The flight over is the worlds shortest registered commercial flight - 8 min in an 8 seater including the pilot. It took us 9min as we had a head wind and as you can see from Jodie's face she enjoyed every minute, NOT.
This is "The Deep Resort from above and if your eyes are good Sal and the kids were waving us in from the beach.
This is our monster plane, the kids loved it - just like a roller coaster ride.
Within minutes of landing it was straight down to the beach, we can unpack later. Sal and Lyndon tried to resurrect the dug out canoe with outriggers from bits found on the beach, go McGyiver.
Jodie found a more lady like and comfortable way to enjoy the beach.

Sesi was our test pilot and Sal the launcher. An empty 375ml plastic rum bottle on the end of a stick made for an excellent paddle.
Em and Mu (and I think the boys did help a little) made this Tepee but the local kids trashed it as soon as we left the beach. It was rebuilt several times over the week.
Lyndon wet a line at every low tide and even caught a nice Parrot fish which the girls released.
We thought we'd lost the kids for a while but we found them all up this big tree.

Dyl and Lyndon went out for the Tuna run one morning in Tony's boat with a local fella. 12 Skippies and 3 Yellow fin later it was home time. We even bought an esky with us so we could load it up to take some home. Lucky
Eva took us on her version of an uninteresting tour of the Island. This Southern end was a hit with the kids throwing everything over the edge as it would come straight back up and over your head because of the strong up wind. Hours of entertainment for the monkeys and adults alike.
We finally made the land bridge, see behind us and take note of the little clearing on our left (your right)
The black hole in the trees.
Next was a little bush walking, more like jungle trekking and thoughts of last years Eua challenge came rushing back. "Just a little further , trust me!"
Next thing we popped out on this little clearing and if you look up to the right that is the landing we took the photo from. Yep Jodie was keen to move on when I reminded her there was only 10 or so meters of rock beneath us and then a sudden drop to the ocean.
On our way back along the cliff tops we spotted the local version of "Man from Snowy River - The Mob" of  wild horse owned by a local but never touched by man.
Our Eua taxi and guide extraordinaire Eva.
On the second day the ocean flattened out and we could dive off the edge of the reef. This is Sal the inhaler (his Hash name) coming back up for some of the good stuff, AIR!!

The kids named this split in the reef "The slide" because it was the entrance to the ocean and the current ripped you in and out. Loads of fun.
Other activities included Low tide expeditions to explore the rock pools and do some hunting and gathering for Sal.
Lyndon tried his hand at fly fishing and this one had the local kids stumped. Just put it in the water bloke!
Jodie with her classic WHO moment but they don't do these photos for prizes any more dear.
The kids built the worlds, OK Eua's biggest bon fire. Sal and Lyndon even had the wheel barrow out to help collect timber. Tony thought it was great free beach clean up.
A awesome night under the stars with a ragging fire, a bottle of wine, marshmellows and some great friends.
Extreme marshmallow roasting. Possibly longer sticks could have reduced the shinged hairs.
It's not Eua unless you have a few horse rides along the beach. But when the horses rocks up at 0630 it was a bit of a shock to the system. The guide stayed for the BBQ breakfast and the we spent nearly all day with him. The kids rode into town down to another beach, a 3 hour evolution (with us adults walking behind for the safety number) but the ride at Tony's at sunrise was the best.

Double trouble - this horse didn't stand a chance. This way, no this way.

Dyl had it all sorted by the end of the morning.
Lyndon finally gave the camera over to Jodie for a few happy snaps.

Some of the drop off's are simply amazing.

Our next days snorkeling was even better than the day before and we headed in the opposite direction.

Not expecting to do to much long distance snorkeling we left the fins at home but Em made short work of it and kept up with Mu.

Em flashed her new game from Santa up, Head Bands it's an absolute cracker. Lyndon got Turkey first up how appropriate.
The rustic entrance into the dinning / entertaining room.
Rochelle made up this chime from shells and bits and pieces we had found in our many journeys along the rock pools.
On our last day Dyl and Lyndon gave the war canoe a final run. It made a good rock without the outrigger.

Nothing like keeping an eye on the pilot when you come in to land. The flight home was 6 minutes due to a tale wind but the sideways landing had Jodie a little nervous.

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