Friday, January 27, 2012

Blah Blah Owners finally set to sea, together

With the total loss of Satisfaction and her inevitable sale looming Jodie has once again become a boat widow. But with repairs and modifications on Blah Blah nearly complete, because boats are never finished and with us all in town we finally squeezed in a Pangi Is trip with Lano our new partner in crime and boating. It turned out to be a shocker of a day weather wise but as usual Big Mumma had Pangi's force field up and we all had a ball. Lano was catching up with other mates and even did a few runs to bring out an umu.

 Lano and Lyndon at the Helm, possibly planing their next fishing trip already.

 This was as close as the Irish should get to deep water, so Stephen tells us.

 Em and Lyndon found this two very inquisitive little fellas.

 They had some cool friends too then Nemo joined in.

 It was like he new we needed some good shots.

 They all wanted in "Take a picture of me!" We stayed for ages then move on.

 Dylan and Lyndon went out to the wreak it was chokers with fish too.

 Dyl had a ball chasing the fish in and out of the boat.

Dyl playing the underwater sea captain.

We took the easy way home but the waka guys slogged it out into a head wind all the way home.

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