Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sam & Tiny Depart Tonga

Two years are up and it is time for the Brookers and the Grahams to depart Tonga. We all arrived in Tonga at the same time and now that they have gone it makes all the more real that we too are on the down hill run with 12 months to go. Kellie and Toot's departed just after NYE and Sam departed a week later but unfortunately the morning before the joint farewell and welcoming function. Em is already missing her best mate but this is the reality of these overseas postings, people move on after only a short time.

Sam & Kellie with their farewell presents from the rest of us in the compound. A carving from Si'kelly and a picture of the Kings' Day palace from Blue Banana. 
That night we even got to celebrate Tori's 24th birthday.
Dave and Emele George at the TDS Welcoming function. Dave has taken over from Sam.
Rose, Belinda and Jodie.

Tiny staying true to the last function. Beer first followed by seafood.
Our host with the most Solomone. He will also departs us early next year.
Tiny had everyone intrigued as he said his farewell speech in three languages - Maori, Tongan and English.
 Tiny had a board made up for the TDS with the names of all the past NZDF Advisors on it.

Brigadier Uta'atu presented the Graham's with their gifts, Tiny received a Traditional Tongan War club and Bec the Handbag.

 Our final picture in Tonga as they departed the next day, we will however catch up with them again in NZ in April.

The Graham's and the Tongan Prime Minister also the Minister for Defence.
BEST of Luck in NZ guys and we'll see you soon. Thanks for the memories.

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