Saturday, January 21, 2012

New Years Eve 2012 & Lyndon's 40th

New Years has rolled around again but this year Jodie came up with the idea of a fancy dress party "Viva Las Vegas! - The Island Hangover" Invites were sent out nice and early so everyone had time to get their outfits ready. First on the scene was the Grahams but as their gear had just been packed they came as Kiwi tourists and from there the costumes came thick and fast. We had a great mix from The King, to waiters and even card cheats. It was a great night and yes again we flashed up the jumping castle and outdoor games for the kids and the big screen for the Elvis tribute movies. We spent the day decking out under our house, every party light Lyndon could get his hands on and Jodie, Rochelle and the kids made up signs and extra decorations. Later in the night the Chinese fireworks came out and this year it was the Boss' turn to be the main pyro expert. Keep back kids you need an expert to do this stuff. Admittedly we had no close calls this year that or the fireworks were of a better quality??? 
 Tiny and his family snatched up the outdoor seats and Peter and Judith grabbed the other table early.

 The 5 Fines love a good dress up and never fail to impress. Tomasi was security with Dylan for the night, Sesi was a gangstar, Mu was a supermodel, Rochelle a show girl and Sal - well we are not too sure what he went as.

 Jodie was the hostess of Casino Royale for the night and everyone that entered got their photo taken on the red carpet, along with a gaming envelope full of monolopy money and poker chips.

 The Quirke Tribe - Dyl the bouncer, Em the Flamingo, Jodie the Hostess with the mostess and Lyndon was a mix of the guys from "The hangover" movies baby and all.

 Rochelle giving her best Vegas pose... and yet again looking fabulous just wrapped in a piece of fabric - how does she do it?????

 Mal and Karen from next door. Also their visitors Jude (Mal's sister) and their daughter Tori.

 Double trouble Paul AKA The King and Mal AKA Frank Sinatra.

 The baby had everyone stumped but the kids simply didn't get it. And if you don't either, go rent The Hangover movies and you will then be on the same page as the rest of us.

 The Fifita's went all out. Yvane, Ebonie, Minara and Ruha.

 The Esler's came as a mixed bunch with Cooper the waiter, Jade the waitress, Ben the Tourist and Belinda the High roller.

 A few quick speeches and blessing of the food and we were well on our way. What could go wrong with the King watching over us all?

 Rochelle and her Fabulous sign.

 Lyndon's face tattoo grew as the night went on.

Later in the night the pool table was flashed up and as there was funny money floating around some big bucks were being placed on every game. Yvane was giving out free lessons.

 At one count we had 63 people cruising around the compound.

 Lyndon snuck in a few minutes early to cut his big 40th cake before......

 We all took up our best vantage points for the fireworks.

 Would you trust this tourist?

 Everything went of with a bang 5,4,3,2,1 HAPPY NEW YEAR and Happy Birthday Lyndon.

 This year the crowds stayed well back as over the night they had heard about last years some what dangerous efforts.

Tori couldn't wait for the little ones to pass out so she too could give the jumping castle a go. Not such a good idea after a belly full of drinks and food.

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