Monday, January 23, 2012

Ben Hits the BIG 4-0.

Ben (AKA The Boss or MSA) has finally caught up with the rest of the team and celebrated his 40th with a small group of people at a local cafe "Fresh". Most people live there for their coffee, (not that Lyndon would understand) and Beau's smiley face.  Charles, her brother, and one of his friends have taken over from the day business and are now catering for night functions. It was a magical night with the best sunset we've seen in ages and with the local boys playing touch rugby in the bitumen car park next to us until the sun went down it was also quite entertaining. 

 These stickers turn up everywhere, John and Annie even have one on their bumper.

 People beginning to gather in their best Tongan casual dress.

 The sunset was a cracker and everyone spent the start of the night in the car park trying to avoid the rugby boys.

(L-R)  Nga, Rose, Em, Moti, Jodie and Belinda

(L-R)  Paul, Karen, Judith, Racheal, Mal and Jen.

(L-R)  Tiani, Dave, Solomone, Thomas, Frank, Lyndon, Ben, Jason, Carl, Paul and Mal. 

 The entire gang thanks to some happy snaps by Charles (the girls favourite ALL BLACK).

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