Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tsunami Warning Week

This week we had big plans for the Saturday but that all changed early Friday night with phone calls from our Boss in Auckland and from the Australian High Comm about the Japan earth quake and following Tsunami. No high ground here so we stay safe and sound in our concrete two story house. We did get a small wave but all was good though. This weeks activities has seen a few big ones for Jodie with her 50th Hash walk and not to mention another mile stone not so close or far away from fifty!
Jodie doing her Down Down for her 50th Hash.
The proud owner of a 50th shirt and now only Lyndon has to get one!

Tina our House lady has now retired last year and we have been lucky enough to have Maria take over. Emily thought she'd give a hand but instead buried Dad!

The planned Saturday bike ride was canceled due to the Tsunami so the Q tribe and Brookers (minus Sam and Jodie) decided to do some exploring locally.

Em and Dyl where all smiles as they came home covered in mud.

The veggie patch is looking a little bare but it was time to check Dylan's carrots.

Monster greenery but not much down under! Em was happy though because she's not to keen on carrots lately.

The kids tennis has come along in leaps and bounds this year thanks to Neeto, the Tongan wonder coach.

Em has stepped it up a notch and now even dresses the part. Yep an actual dress Jodie was over the moon and in matching colours too.

Emily's Tongan earth quake detector! We've had a few lately in the Tongan trench only two that we have felt though.

We thought we were in trouble as we were only getting one egg a day for the last few days???? But Jodie heard the chooks laying and her and Timoti discovered this stash in one of our pot plants down stairs. Bingo scrambled eggs are back on the menu.

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