Sunday, March 13, 2011

'Eua Eco Challenge - General activities and sites of 'Eua

The Island has so many interesting sites and characters and due to this fact we are already planning a few return trips. But we have made a few selections below but we must admit a few of those characters may have tagged along with us from the mainland.

Hows this for Sun protection?

This shelter had it all - lounge chairs Banana's and a magnificent view what else do you need?

The newest signs in town - each village has one as well.

Then there is the more traditional street sign in 'Eua

Hideaway's Resort beer garden/eatery, our home for the weekend.

A traditional Tongan boat outside of Tony and Eva's place.

Emily, Necie, Milla and Evie made a tepee one afternoon. Em even lashed the branches together with bark Lyndon was so impressed.

This was as close as Jodie and friend Seki could get to the winners trophies.

A few of the gang resting up the night before. Tricia allowed 5 cartoons of beer for the weekend but 13 were needed though. I think she thought we might have been a little more competitive?

BBQ for dinner anyone? Fresh Tuna from our trip over.

Sunset drinks at the fele - noticing a trend anyone???

Kava time, the men from the local village also dropped in to socialise. Topou played guitar and they all sung into the wee hours of the morning!!

This is the sunset view from Tony's fele's, it's simply magical!!

Bare back horse rides at sunset how good does it get? - Emily taking her turn.

Dylan and Milla taking in all in their stride.

Lyndon managed a spot of fishing with Tony starting at 5am on the day of the race. He caught all the fish (1xWahoo, 2xYellow Fin Tuna and 2xSkipjack Tuna) he thought Tony and Arlo were in cahoots as his arms were flogged.

While Lyndon fished Jodie enjoyed her morning coffee in the peace and quiet.

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