Sunday, March 20, 2011

The French Return to TONGA!!

March 17 was a busy afternoon as we completed a snappy 3km Hash walk around our village and a beer for our Irish friend Jennifer (aka O'DD) for St Patricks Day, then Jodie had 15 minutes to get ready for a cocktail function on the visiting French Frigate "La Moqueuse". Lyndon had 5 min as it was his 50th Hash. No photos from his down down as Jodie was in front of the mirror. The dress code was Bula or island style so casual attire was all the go. It is amazing just how many people are willing to squeeze into such a small area but when there's French sailors and free drinks who cares. What other incentive is required? As usual, the French made very strong cocktails and had lovely food, with the French bubbles only coming out at dessert time when most of the crowd had left (all the more for us really). With experience comes the spoils, hey Jodie? French Bubbles!

Viva la France - Baby!!!

The boys in Bula - Shayne, Mal (our neighbour who is new to Tonga - he hasn't found an appropriate shirt - yet!), Lyndon (in his Tapanu too) and Tiny.

Jodie and Karen (our new neighbour) with the ships captain Lt.Cdr Francois Nevejans. Karen spent half the night trying out her high school French on the crew - what she could remember of it anyway.

The quarterdeck where the function was held, looks large from the outside...

but not when it is this jam packed!

Then when you thought there was no more room you throw in Tauolunga time, Tongan band and traditional dancer for the French crew. Then it becomes friendly.

Time depart and finish the St Pat's drinks with O'DD. Ohh yah and pick up the kids.

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