Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jodie's Birthday Celebrations - The After Party

With everything in town closing at midnight due to church the next day, it was off to Chateau de Quirke (as usual) for the late night entertainment. Lucky for us Tonga does not have any laws on overloading vehicles or seat belts, so all 9 of us piled into the Tongan limo, aka NZ 007 and Hannah took us for a hoon down the main strip of town then back to our place. Dom and Lyndon loved hanging out the sun roof doing their best Richard Gere (in the final scene of Pretty Woman) impersonation, whilst the rest of us tried not to wear the left over cake as it was sliding around in the back seat.

In we all go - squeeze up, we can do it !?!?!
A birds eye view down Vuna Rd for Dom and Lyndon.

Playing the numbers game, i.e. seeing whose turn it was next to go out the sun roof.

Ah, home safe and sound ready for some pool.

Dom and Sal were obcessed with THOSE boots and couldn't keep their hands off them all night, I have promised to loan them out to their wives if they behaved themselves...
Dom praying to the wine God to help improve his pool playing skills.

As we are all children at heart, the competitions started as to who could stay up the longest on the Rip Stick, who could spin the hoola hoop the most, who was the best at diving through the rolling hoola hoop, who could skip the longest, who did the best air guitar.... the competiton went on and on and on!!!!!!
Jen showing off her fabulous skipping legs.

Hannah diving through the rolling hoola hoop.

Rochelle swinging those hips.

John doing his best air guitar.

And me.. well my pool playing improved dramatically thoughtout the night with more wine.

A huge thank you to my fabulous friends for a fantastic 41st birthday celebration.

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