Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Recent Social Events

After our return to Tongan life there's been a few weeks of socialising and we've well and truly caught up with everyone and the usual hangouts! Looking back at it now we've done a heap and not blogged them so here we go.
The usual gang in the Pasikala (Tongan for bicycle), sadly it's been a while and Jodie had a stack but she got back on and her butt payed the price the next day.

Our ride through town was a 9km stint and took us past SAL's TONGAN Thong Tree. It's coming to life and everyone loves it. (at present it takes up 2 branches and has over 300 single lost thongs)

Next was O'DD birthday party at their place. Which just happened to turn into a garden party due to the ridiculous heat.

The crowd enjoying what little breeze that was available. Nice sunset too.

With our new drink driving laws Dom thought it wiser to ride the bike. At least he could still have a drink during the evening.

A short notice Sunset drinks at Liku'alofa Resort. The kids played on the beach and as you can see the adults enjoyed the bar and view.

Our little Island princess.

Saturday lunch time saw the kids take up our newest sport - Surfing lessons at the Ha'atafu surf resort. Lyndon helped even though he is only a boogie boarder.

On the Sunday the weather was perfect so we headed out with a group of people to Pangi for the day. After a little sleep in we made it over in time for lunch then the activities began.

Girls activities - Drinking wine on the beach and in the water.

Boys and kids activities - Knee boarding behind the boat.

After a great day it was straight off the boat and onto the Fishing club for the final refreshment for the weekend.

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