Sunday, March 13, 2011

'Eua Eco Challenge - Recovery and Presentation Night

After an impressive time of 58 minutes, Tom won the men's section (made even more impressive noting he completed the ride on a single geared doddgy Chinese roadster bike) and Lisa won the women's section in 1hr 13 mins. Once the remainder of us dragged our butts over the line and with everyone accounted for it was recovery time until the Cocktail and Presentations ceremony/party began later that evening. Most of us stayed behind for a swim in the harbour to clean off and then it we loaded up the truck for home and what was left of the competitors rode their bikes back up to Hideaways (as if they hadn't done enough excerise already).

Lyndon enjoying a beer under the shade of a big tree infront of Eva and Tony's new resort. We were all spent and instead of swimming we simply lazed under the tree and rehydrated!

Emily resting in her ocean bath.

The path out to the fele where the cocktails went down a treat. Not to mention the kids loved riding up and down it until Necie fell through the railing.

Emily, Jodie, Tricia and Sal enjoying a sunset drink.

Jodie in her F.I.T. crew supporter jacket, cocktail and all.

Dinner time - traditional Tongan feast, puwaka's, Lyndon's Wahoo and all the trimmings.

Arlo and his favourite part - pig head and brains. Dyl couldn't stop watching every move he made.

Presentation time - Tricia giving Lisa her prize with Tomasi and Dylan looking on as they were her support crew.

Jodie collecting her raffle prize from Arlo. She couldn't get out there fast enough.

Providing the entertainment Jodie cut a rug (well coral floor that is) dancing to Blue Suede Shoes.

Ta'ani and our Tonga Elvis (Topou) belting out some tunes.

Winners are grinners, Tom and Lisa with their Navigator statue prize's. Tom reakons it wasn't all arse that they won. Just a little Navigator arse.

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