Friday, July 13, 2012

White Sands with Shayne and Leilani

On a spur of the moment decision, we headed to White Sands to spend a weekend with Shayne, Leilani and Kahlei. It was a great weekend and even speedy (the baby chick) joined us as we had no baby sitter for her. She had a ball too chasing the kids all over the resort and beach. It was a very relaxing couple of days with all the usual activities. Although the swimming was a little sparse due to the chilly temp.

As soon as we arrived we had a little picnic in front of our unit and introduced everyone to speedy. Priscilla couldn't stop laughing that we brought a moa (chook) on our holiday.

Lyndon and Dyl should stick to fishing as the kite spent more time in the water than a lure.

PK and Em found a special little pool to hang in during the high tide.

Shayne took some kid time out to work on some sketches.

After a couple of misses we finally picked up a fish.

This travelly only had one speed - flat out and straight out to sea. Lyndon lost a few good lures during the afternoon session to the GT's. Next time he'll bring the big rig.

Pop goes the weasel. The kids were waiting down the beach to catch the cork.

Champagne sunset on your own private beach, does it get any better?.

A year ago Leilani learnt about toasting marshmellows, now it's time to step it up to extreme toasting.

We cleared the beach of drift wood and every scarick of timber went into the fire.

Bed time for both Speedy and Dyl. See it does get chilly here as Dyl and Em both slept in their winter PJs.

The next morning on the low tide we hit the beach in search of the illusive Kina

Breakfast anyone? Em went with the sausages at the back.

Only Lyndon and Leilani tried the Kina.

As the tide rises the kids love to catch a wave or two and took it in turns letting Lyndon give them a push start.

Dyl was the little hunter gatherer right to the last minute with his biggest beach crab of the day.

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