Friday, July 13, 2012

King George Tupou V Offical mourning period ends.

4 July marked the end of the official 100 nights of mourning for the late King. The Ha'a Tufunga clan (Royal Undertakers) conducted the lanu kilikili (black volcanic pebble rocks) ceremony officiated by His Majesty, King Tupou VI. The Royal Undertakers are allowed to access the Tomb to place the lanu kilikili on the grave. The kilikili are washed and cleansed in a sene (large bowl) in a mixture of sea water and Tongan oil then transferred into small baskets to be carried up to the tomb by each Ha'a Tufunga or Numatapu. Even though the 100 nights is over, some of the undertakers will remain with His late Majesty's tomb until the one year of his burial is complete.

The tomb being prepared for the ceremony the day before. The shelter that the Ha'a Tufunga have been in 24/7 for the past 100 nights has been dismantled.

The ceremony begins with the washing and cleansing of the kilikili and the Royal family are in the tent on the right.

The Ha'a Tufunga cleaning the kilikili and passing them up to the tomb.

Each of the baskets was individually placed onto the tomb. This process went on all morning.

The last of the kilikili are placed on top of the tomb.
Rest in peace King George Tupou V.

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