Monday, July 23, 2012

The Melting Pot!

Finally after some 18 months without "Sundowners" which was our old monthly catch up for all expats on the island, the Kiwi's came up with the "Melting Pot" which we hope will continue on just as long. It is a great way to meet new and old expats from around town, for the first function they held a Trivia night at the Billfish Bar. With the place chokers the fun began.

The Bishops and Paul & Jen made up "The Galargabone Stars!"

The OZ High Comm staff where the "Galahs"

The Q's and 2 of the 5 Fines made up "The Thong Trust" and Dyl even managed to pick out our number for the first lucky door prize, a bottle of bubbles. What else would you expect in the local nightclub?

Finally our Kiwi mates made up the "White Bait Fritters". Now rule number one was 5 (five) or in Tongan Nima in a team, not the 7 in this photo, which ever way we pointed this out to them it just didn't sink in. Ended up they needed all the help they could get, although the "Galargabone Stars" did take out the wooden spoon. Thanks Trivia guru's JJ and Donna it was agreat night and we look forward to next month.

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