Monday, July 23, 2012

Judo Hall clean up.

After nearly losing some of our junior members down some of the cracks on the judo mats, it was decided that it was that time of the year again. All groups who use the hall were invited to a day of fun and stinking hot weather in the hall. We removed the mats, cleaned up underneath and sorted out what few extra's we had available and relaid the mats. While all this was going on some people cleaned out the change rooms and Lyndon tried to fix up as many lights as he could to shed a little more light on the classes.

We arrived a little late and made our entry as it was time to sweep down the lining.

As everything made it's way out onto the lane way, a few of the boys started to cook up the pot luck lunch.

Tonga's largest life size puzzle. Great job guys.

Some more troops arrived after/during lunch.

A job well done everyone! Now lets hope they stay in one piece until we can get some new mats donated (hopefully).

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