Father & son looking back toward the western end of the island.
Pigeon's hole behind, Dyl was extremely keen to climb down into the hole as there was a trail just behind them. Common sense prevealed and we satisfied ourselves by walking around the hole.
Dyl found another little trail which mum felt confident to follow him down.
Finally out of the jungle and into the sunlight.
The first photo was taken from the cliff tops just over Jodie's left shoulder.
Jodie was all smiles once she saw the secret beach with no one elses footsteps on it.
Walking along the base of the cliffs to the western end of the beach.
Amazing views no matter which way you looked.
Dyl climbed ever rock he possibly could.
Come on Dad catch up, just because you are carrying everything in your pluggers doesn't mean you should fall behind.
Jodie found a seat in front of a blow hole and enjoyed the cool breeze after impersonating a mountain goat to get there.
Looking back at the beach from the very eastern end.
And if he couldn't climb over them he went through them and mum continued to follow.
A lovely couple shot, smiles and all before we started the climb out.
On our way out the boys decided to do a little Toyota "Oh what a feeling!" jump with Jodie's Cami Q parked out on the land bridge.
Next, this cliff top view was amazing and after looking out for whales for a few minutes the boys had to take the camera off Jodie as they were under us not miles out to sea. You actually had to look over the cliff to see them and Jodie wanted to jump on them they were that close.
Mum, calf and escort cruising the southern edges of the coast line.
We sat for ages watching them and others breaching out off the cliffs.
Jodie and her special little man. What a great way to spend the day.