Monday, July 23, 2012

Just Mum, Dad & Dyl.

On our last day without young Em, the three of us headed out for an explore of the island and to see if we could spot some whales from the cliff tops on the Southern side of the island. First place off the list was Pigeon's Doorway (Tongan Land bridge) Jodie spent most of her time teling us boys to get away from the edge.

Father & son looking back toward the western end of the island.

Pigeon's hole behind, Dyl was extremely keen to climb down into the hole as there was a trail just behind them. Common sense prevealed and we satisfied ourselves by walking around the hole.

Dyl found another little trail which mum felt confident to follow him down. 

Finally out of the jungle and into the sunlight.

The first photo was taken from the cliff tops just over Jodie's left shoulder.

Jodie was all smiles once she saw the secret beach with no one elses footsteps on it.

Walking along the base of the cliffs to the western end of the beach.

Amazing views no matter which way you looked.

Dyl climbed ever rock he possibly could.

Come on Dad catch up, just because you are carrying everything in your pluggers doesn't mean you should fall behind.

Jodie found a seat in front of a blow hole and enjoyed the cool breeze after impersonating a mountain goat to get there.

Looking back at the beach from the very eastern end.

And if he couldn't climb over them he went through them and mum continued to follow.

A lovely couple shot, smiles and all before we started the climb out.

On our way out the boys decided to do a little Toyota "Oh what a feeling!" jump with Jodie's Cami Q parked out on the land bridge.

Next, this cliff top view was amazing and after looking out for whales for a few minutes the boys had to take the camera off Jodie as they were under us not miles out to sea. You actually had to look over the cliff to see them and Jodie wanted to jump on them they were that close.

Mum, calf and escort cruising the southern edges of the coast line.

We sat for ages watching them and others breaching out off the cliffs.

Jodie and her special little man. What a great way to spend the day.

Judo Hall clean up.

After nearly losing some of our junior members down some of the cracks on the judo mats, it was decided that it was that time of the year again. All groups who use the hall were invited to a day of fun and stinking hot weather in the hall. We removed the mats, cleaned up underneath and sorted out what few extra's we had available and relaid the mats. While all this was going on some people cleaned out the change rooms and Lyndon tried to fix up as many lights as he could to shed a little more light on the classes.

We arrived a little late and made our entry as it was time to sweep down the lining.

As everything made it's way out onto the lane way, a few of the boys started to cook up the pot luck lunch.

Tonga's largest life size puzzle. Great job guys.

Some more troops arrived after/during lunch.

A job well done everyone! Now lets hope they stay in one piece until we can get some new mats donated (hopefully).

The Melting Pot!

Finally after some 18 months without "Sundowners" which was our old monthly catch up for all expats on the island, the Kiwi's came up with the "Melting Pot" which we hope will continue on just as long. It is a great way to meet new and old expats from around town, for the first function they held a Trivia night at the Billfish Bar. With the place chokers the fun began.

The Bishops and Paul & Jen made up "The Galargabone Stars!"

The OZ High Comm staff where the "Galahs"

The Q's and 2 of the 5 Fines made up "The Thong Trust" and Dyl even managed to pick out our number for the first lucky door prize, a bottle of bubbles. What else would you expect in the local nightclub?

Finally our Kiwi mates made up the "White Bait Fritters". Now rule number one was 5 (five) or in Tongan Nima in a team, not the 7 in this photo, which ever way we pointed this out to them it just didn't sink in. Ended up they needed all the help they could get, although the "Galargabone Stars" did take out the wooden spoon. Thanks Trivia guru's JJ and Donna it was agreat night and we look forward to next month.

Another mixed bag of activities

We've had such a mixed bag of activities this week and none really big enough for an individual entry. First off, Lyndon was luckily enough to get out and wet a line with Shayne who caught his first semi Tongan monster fish. The day included some bottom bashing (including free burly from the big man), trawling and even some whale watching.

Shayne was all smiles when the reel started screaming.

After a short fight we landed our only brag fish, a solid Dog Tooth Tuna. To put it in proportion Shayne ain't small.

Shayne caught in a moment of deep thought eg " How could it be so rough out at sea and yet glass on the way home????"

An attempt by Lyndon at an Arty shot of Makaha'a Is and the spray of the mighty Blah Blah.

It is time for Pebbles to go out to pasture. Sal and his dad brought the truck around.... just throw her in the back and sit on her you say Sal?

Even with "The Who" helping and after deep conversations with Sal, Pebbles decided to stay and the truck left without her.

During the week the girls gathered at Friends Cafe to celebrate another one of Jens' 21st birthdays.

Speedy has learnt to fly! Jodie and I were standing in the kitchen then all of a sudden little speedy comes flying around the corner, up on the chair then up on everything else - there is just no stopping her now.

Emily headed off for a few days to Vava'u with Alice so Dyl had his mate U'alala over to do a million boy things in a sister free house.

The Oz Aid program put on a movie night which was a previewing of " Bran nue dae". Nibblies and drinks were included and luckily for us numbers were down so there was more to eat and drink. It was a great movie that none of us had ever seen before.

Friday, July 13, 2012

King George Tupou V Offical mourning period ends.

4 July marked the end of the official 100 nights of mourning for the late King. The Ha'a Tufunga clan (Royal Undertakers) conducted the lanu kilikili (black volcanic pebble rocks) ceremony officiated by His Majesty, King Tupou VI. The Royal Undertakers are allowed to access the Tomb to place the lanu kilikili on the grave. The kilikili are washed and cleansed in a sene (large bowl) in a mixture of sea water and Tongan oil then transferred into small baskets to be carried up to the tomb by each Ha'a Tufunga or Numatapu. Even though the 100 nights is over, some of the undertakers will remain with His late Majesty's tomb until the one year of his burial is complete.

The tomb being prepared for the ceremony the day before. The shelter that the Ha'a Tufunga have been in 24/7 for the past 100 nights has been dismantled.

The ceremony begins with the washing and cleansing of the kilikili and the Royal family are in the tent on the right.

The Ha'a Tufunga cleaning the kilikili and passing them up to the tomb.

Each of the baskets was individually placed onto the tomb. This process went on all morning.

The last of the kilikili are placed on top of the tomb.
Rest in peace King George Tupou V.

White Sands with Shayne and Leilani

On a spur of the moment decision, we headed to White Sands to spend a weekend with Shayne, Leilani and Kahlei. It was a great weekend and even speedy (the baby chick) joined us as we had no baby sitter for her. She had a ball too chasing the kids all over the resort and beach. It was a very relaxing couple of days with all the usual activities. Although the swimming was a little sparse due to the chilly temp.

As soon as we arrived we had a little picnic in front of our unit and introduced everyone to speedy. Priscilla couldn't stop laughing that we brought a moa (chook) on our holiday.

Lyndon and Dyl should stick to fishing as the kite spent more time in the water than a lure.

PK and Em found a special little pool to hang in during the high tide.

Shayne took some kid time out to work on some sketches.

After a couple of misses we finally picked up a fish.

This travelly only had one speed - flat out and straight out to sea. Lyndon lost a few good lures during the afternoon session to the GT's. Next time he'll bring the big rig.

Pop goes the weasel. The kids were waiting down the beach to catch the cork.

Champagne sunset on your own private beach, does it get any better?.

A year ago Leilani learnt about toasting marshmellows, now it's time to step it up to extreme toasting.

We cleared the beach of drift wood and every scarick of timber went into the fire.

Bed time for both Speedy and Dyl. See it does get chilly here as Dyl and Em both slept in their winter PJs.

The next morning on the low tide we hit the beach in search of the illusive Kina

Breakfast anyone? Em went with the sausages at the back.

Only Lyndon and Leilani tried the Kina.

As the tide rises the kids love to catch a wave or two and took it in turns letting Lyndon give them a push start.

Dyl was the little hunter gatherer right to the last minute with his biggest beach crab of the day.