Monday, February 6, 2012

USA - Recouping in Fiji

Our last stop was Fiji for a well earned rest, this travelling business is quite exhausting.  Because of the flight schedule in and out of Tonga we could stay in Fiji for either 2 days or 7days.  Of course we choose the 7 day option, which is just as well because, the first 2 days poured with rain and we were so jet lagged we slept most of it.  The kids spent 2 days in the kids club which was more than enough, as they were the oldest and got bored quickly with all the under 3's. The hotel was great and we had beautiful meals everyday. Plenty of cocktails by the pool, a few little trips on the coconut bus around to check out the other resorts on Denerau Island, and a spot of shopping at the marina kept us busy for the rest of the time.
Most important of all (if you ask the boys) was that they got in a days' fishing on one of the local charter fishing boats. As usual, Dylan was in everyones face, telling them all how much fishing he does in Tonga, and that he is a better fisherman than his dad. Lyndon and Dylan were the only ones who caught fish that day, that were of a respectable size. Unfortunately, like in Tonga, the locals keep everything, no matter how small. Emily and I spent the day wondering through the other 5 resorts and just taking it easy.

Dylan with his first Fijian monster fish

Dylan in the hot seat, apparently he was telling everyone how to fish - all day

Finally dad catches one too

The sun was setting so it was time to come home

The spoils of the day, we took the fish to the chef who prepared it for us to eat in the restaurant

Soon as dinner was finished so were the kids, they didn't even wait for dessert

We stayed at the Sofitiel Resort which was lovely and had a cultural night during the week.  This started with the Fijian version of an umu, (I forget the exact word), then came the dancing and singing. It was a great show and at dusk the performers called out some kids to help with the candle lighting ceremony. Dylan decided he was too shy to participate but Emily was up for it.

Umu Fijian style, the kids were all over this one nothing escaped their eye.
Possibly a little more traditional than at the 5 Fine's.

Chicken, pork, vegies - the taste was all the same though.

A combined traditional song.

The ladies turn.
The mens spear throwing dance.

Emily ready to light some torches.

The next day we did a quick boat ride over to the nearest little island called South Seas (very similar to our beloved Pangai). With all you can drink during the day, we made the most of the cold beers and juice and just hung out on the beach, trying not to over do it.

This cat was a tad bigger than our regular ferry ride.

Pulling up to South Sea Island

Kayak time for Emily and dad, Dylan had a go later in the day. Jodie supervised from the safety of the beach chair - as usual.

Forgot to mention the beach chair was under a comfortably shaded fale.

A little walk around the island to burn off lunch.

Waiting to get onto the semi sub for a trip under the sea to check out the coral.

Rest time again, this time a beach view back and shoulder massage for Jodie and Lyndon.

The lunch time entertainment, again Dylan supervising the action from up close, he really wanted to take home one of those spears.

We found this little fella in a shallow pool after the tide had gone out.

Emily and a star fish - as usual.

Finally, a family shot, taken by a stranger who didn't cut one of us out.

Last minute swim for Em and beers for dad, before the boat ride home.

Dylan spent his last few minutes playing volleyball with the big boys.

A beautiful sunset for the 30 minute ride back to the marina.

The next day back we took Emily to get her hair braided and beaded at the Radisson Hotel, she stopped at two but thought it was cool anyway.

A Hair saloon with a great view.

All done.

Then it was off to the slides for the rest of the day.

Dylan wasn't far behind her.

Just taking a little break.

Of course Lyndon had to have a go.

Excerise time in the pool.

The kids spent a lot of time here at the pond outside of the restaurant feeding the fish and admiring the water lillies

The Wedding Chapel at the Sofitiel

The view from our balcony, not exactly the sea view they promised on the website, but it will do.

It was a great spot for a lunch time picnic though.

The centre piece at reception looked absolutely beautiful after the candle lighting ceremony, unfortunately this camera shot does not do it justice.

When in Fiji, one must kava!!!!

More family kayaking fun, yes mum was there this time,  taking the photo

Looking back to the resort from the beach

Both kids had their own little wooden carving made, Dylan got a marlin and Emily a little parrot

Just checking she could still spell her name after 6 weeks off school.

Dinner for 2, shame it wasn't for Lyndon and I

We got to see the sunset though

Our last night in Fiji, before a 4.30am start to get back home to Tonga.

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