Monday, February 20, 2012

Ocean of Light - Family Sports Day

Ocean of Light held a family sports day, a little like the days of old when we went to school. They break the kids up into coloured families (groups) Em was in Green and Dyl was in the Blue family. They were both extremely happy as they both had their favourite colours and separate teams. Jodie went along and helped with the compulsory BBQ and the parents were even encouraged to join in.
 Sausages (Soisoi) and bread (ma) rolls and, one more thing, lots of tomato sauce.

 Dyl and his mate Thomas from the Blue team.

 Nothing like a little PA system to blow your ears out. Rock it DJ!

 Will this statement come true this year? Apparently this is the theme for the school year.

 The ladies responsible for this task while here in Tonga - Dylan's teachers Ms Salome (Class 5), Ms Vika (Class 4) and Ms Lavae (Class 3)

 Em and some of her family group.

 Dyl hanging with the Blues.

 Sports included Tug of war, Dylan second in line.

 Egg and spoon races, Em was the only one who made the stetch without dropping the egg.

 Piggy back races.

 Wheel barrow races.

Then to finish it off water balloon tossing, Dyl and Ani came third. All of this done in the long grass, they must have forgotten to tell the gardener.

A fun day had by all and the day raised $150 towards future projects in the school.

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