Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Double Digits - Dylans 10th Birthday

Dylan finally hits double digits after 9 long years of waiting! So he tells us anyway. No thanks to Cyclone Jasmine mail has been delayed so he was very excited to wake up and find that a few pressies had arrived for his big day. As always, on any childs birthday he was up at sparrows fart and waiting to pounce at our bedroom door. Little did he remember that we snuck out for boot camp at 0530. Jodie made him a cake to order the night before, keeping up tradition. As his birthday fell on a school day he took the cake into school to share with his class mates. No big party on the day this year as he is waiting for the weather to abate so we can have a themed party out on a local Island. Survivor Malinioa - Watch this space!

Jodie also had a lunch out in town with Dad to celebrate her child birth giving day. A lovely lunch down at Waves on the water front. That night it was "Mincey Rollie Ups", his favourite dinner, followed by a family movie night "Transformers 3" not so family as Jodie thought but as ordered by the birthday boy any way.

 Dylan very excited to get his pressies before school.

 Look at his face how much do you think he likes Mentos. Possibly the quantity too.

 Dylan is missing his mate, Bundy dog so here he is for the party.

 The family pic and no we didn't have cake for breakfast. Jodie and I had just returned from boot camp.

Dylan and his class 5 mates before they inhaled the cake.

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