Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February Fishing Comp

After last weeks losses and with similar weather we decided to head back to the same spot. Lyndon had re-rigged similar lures that they lost last week with 100lb wire leaders to give them a chance to get these toothy Wahoo inboard. The day started off perfect, great weather, no rain clouds in sight and a tuna inboard within minutes. That's about were it stopped after working the area solidly for a few hours we decided to drift and get some reef fish onboard. That was when Jodie and the boys decided it was time for a swim. Lyndon kept fishing from the other side in 80m of water as there was plenty of bait on the sounder.
 Our first visitor onboard was a little skippy. Lyndon was thinking bait but the boys had other ideas.

Sometimes it's good having phone reception as Lyndon had to call in for our midday check in. Obviously Jodie is having a paddle. The boys were doing bombies from the side of the boat.

 Once Lyndon started getting bites everyone else wanted a go. Dyl got this nice little Manga.

 Any one would think we were sinking the way these three jumped ship.

 Blaise with his first fish of the day (and first fish ever) he was happy to catch the bait fish, someone has too.

 After our swim Dyl decided he knew where the fish were hiding. Shame he may be 10 now but he hasn't had a big enough growth spurt to see over the front of the boat, so lucky we bought the esky to keep the drinks cold and provide him with that much needed height boost.

 Finally on our way home Walley Wahoo hit our lure. Dyl kept telling us how his little arms were killing him and on a couple of occassions he came close to losing the rod over the side when the fish went for a run. Luckily they are tied to the boat, learnt that lesson a long time ago.

 Finally alongside, Lyndon leadered the fish to the boat but he had one more run left in him and took off when he saw us all drooling over the side. This time he turned across the line and bit straight through the wire leader. Toothy big bugger.

Yes Jodie we all felt the same way but it is called fishing not catching. Next time Walley.
At least we had some fresh fish for dinner.

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