Thursday, February 23, 2012

USA - New York Culture

There is so much culture in New York that is was always going to be difficult to see it all. Unfortunately we did not have any time left to visit the world famous Guggenheim Museum (probably just as well because the kids were a bit over museums by this stage) but we did squeeze in the other 3.

The most modern architecture at its time of construction, the museum is home to some of the best exhibits in the world. It was recently featured in the movie Mr Poppers Penguins, which is about the only thing the kids remember about it, not the history and exhibit information we loaded them up with.


Almost everything in New York is related to a movie according to the kids and this museum is no different. Home to the "Night at the Museum" movie, we raced around until closing time trying to locate all of the exhibits the kids remembered coming to life in the movie.  An entire day is not enough time to visit everything so we had to choose a few and off we went. Favourites included Ocean World, Northwest Coast Indians, North American & African Mammals, Birds of the World, Primates and of course the Dinosaurs. What did make a mention amongst us all was that the Hall of Pacific Peoples did not include Tonga , how dare they!! Needless to say we were not amused!! We had such a good time that we missed the last trolley bus back to our hotel and had to walk back.  Not an entirely bad thing, as it was along the 5th Ave side of Central Park, into Times Square and then home. Saw plenty of extras sights along the way and bought a few more things, even if it did take us just over an hour to do so.

Dylan outside the Museum with the Teddy Roosevelt statue.

Emily with the lions, all of the exhibits just look so real.

Dylan getting touchy, feely with a dinosaur fossil, some 1000's of years old.

"What you lookin at Willis"??? A mummified dinosaur head, checking everyone out.

This particular hall had some amazing re-constructions. And in the displays that had bones missing, they painted in the missing bits so you could still see what they were like.

Dylan doing his monkey impersonation.

The kids in the Pacific Hall, with no Tongan artifacts, what a shame. There was however, this Dum Dum from the movie.

In the Hall of Biodiversity is a cross section of the oldest tree in the world - apparently.

The monster whale hanging from the roof.

In the foyer, next to a life size replica dinosaur.


Again, another fabulous place, but with only 3 hours to spend here, favourite exhibits were short listed and off we went. Emily wanted the Master Painters, Dylan the Medieval Weapons and Knights in Shining Armour, Lyndon the Egyptians and mum, the recently departed Alexander McQueen fashion pavilion.  Everyone got what they wanted as we raced through all 4 floors except mum. There was a 3 hour wait to get into see McQueen Couture so Jodie had to settle with buying a calender and postcards of said fashion. New York locals purchase a season pass and spend entire weekends in each pavilion, just to ensure they see it all. Sounds great if you live there!

Ready, set, go 3 hours and counting - where do we start?

Through the Bust Hall by great sculptures.

Rushing past beautiful stained glass windows to get to the Medieval pavilion.

Here are the Knights in Shining Armour

Emily with Van Goughs' Sunflowers circa 1887

Lyndon and Emily with Field Armour worn by King Henry VIII of England

Just a few of the boys favourite spears.

Emily and a Royal Tomb

Us in the Ancient Near East Pavilion

Amazing artifacts grace the wall, some still in mint condition. No one however would like to have been in this burial tomb.

A little smashed up but beautiful none the less. Head of a King 1888 BC


Ahh, this is where the civilised come to view their art. An afternoon of light showers found us ducking in here to check out some of the greatest exhibits of all time. Paintings by Monet, Matisse, Chagall, Rousseau, Picasso and many more. Abstract expressionist work from Jackson Pollock and Andy Warhol (do I sound like I know what I am talking about yet??) Along with the famous, there were some not so famous works of "art", they certainly serve as a conversation starter. Best place for the kids was the kids hands on gallery, where they got to make a few things and take them home.

Dylan with his computer canvas art work

The kids on a couch made of recycled cardboard manila folders. It moves in any direction like a snake and is rock solid.

Jodie and Emily with Van Gogh's "Starry Night" circa 1889

Jodie with Pablo Picasso's "Girl Before A Mirror" 1932

In the contemporary department we have "A Hay Bale", Emily didn't quite get this one, neither did we. Along with some other exhibits such as a coil of rope, a shopping trolley full of rubbish, and a fishing net with tin cans attached to it. Oh well, as they say art is in the eye of the beholder.

Just a few of the exhibits we did not make it through.


Easily the best day for all, and especially for Lyndon as it was the start of Navy Week in NY. There were 8 visiting ships and extra activities to partake of, not just your normal day wondering around an old ship. Built in 1943, the USS Intrepid served during WWII and also as a NASA astronaut recovery vessel. In 2006 she was retired and restored and now the ship is home to 30 restored aircraft, the Concorde, a Growler Submarine, and 5 levels of interactive activity. Definately a must see in NY.

The old girl.

Getting ready to board the Growler Submarine

The Subs' CPO sleeping quaters, Lyndon says he much prefers his quarters on the patrol boat.

Dylan and his favourite plane, a stealth jet.

A little bit of light entertainment throughout the day, these ladies were promoting a Broadway stage play.

The retired British Airways Concorde.

As usual, Dylan ran off to find the guns.

The kids in a MASH Helicopter.

Now that is a turn buckle!

A little rest time before the next activity.

Emily getting assistance to build a toy boat from the Captain of a visiting USS ship.

Dylan has his own helper, nothing like a spot of artificial wind to get it floating along.

The coast guard got in on the act with a display of their own.

Emily and Dylan in a Space Shuttle Cap, this is what the astronauts were in when they landed in the sea before being collected by the crew of Intrepid.

Not to be out done by sailors, the Army had their own recruiting pavilion. Dylan was giving the ball throwing game a fair whallop.

Panoramic view of the top deck.

Panoramic view of the planes.

A lego version of USS Intrepid - just for you Clancy!

That concludes the Quirke trip to the USA, (the blog from Fiji was the last stop on our holiday) we hope you enjoyed our holiday as much as we did. Sorry the blogs are out of order, but you get that with this new blog format. If you want to see more photos from anything in particular or let if you have any questions about our trip send us an email.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Finally some good weather.

After a days fishing and with the weather holding out it was looking perfect for a good weekend. The girls kept to the liquid theme and had a girls night out. They frocked up and head out on the town leaving us boys at home to mind the kids. Not a drama, I /we can do this. They started their night at Re-load Bar, followed by dinner at Cottage Breeze then back to drinks and dancing at Re-load, then onto the Billfish Bar. Luckily everything closes at midnight on Saturday's. While all this was going on us boys decided as the weather was still calm, and the "Blah Blah" was fuelled and ready to go, we should all head out to Pangi for our Sunday recovery. We thought we were smart and noting where the girls had been last night, we decided on a lunch time start.
 Annie was back in Tonga so the girls got all dressed up, even heels. Not so good at the Billfish as the dance floor is partially a coral floor but they all looked great. Hannah (the 5th member of the FAB 5) now lives back in NZ so we pulled in her stunt double - Leilani, who lived next door to Hanah here in Tonga. Don't worry, we had a drink for you HWTF!

 Sal was the on call Taxi driver with the Bongo van at their beck and call. The smile was no extra.

The next morning we snapped off a shot of our fishing club from the water, doesn't look so flash from this angle but a great little watering hole all the same. 

 The kids got the half price seats and on each of the three runs Lyndon dragged a couple of kids behind the boat on the biscuit.

 Dave brought some learner skis so the all the kids had to have a go. Lyndon only made it out of the boat a few times during the entire day. The smaller kids opted for the knee board or biscuit.

 Em was first up and made it look so easy.

 Dyl was next, not so easy but he had a fun time trying to drown himself and not let go of the rope.

 After all the kids had had a few goes it was Dave and Lyndon's turn to see if the mighty BLAH BLAH could pull them out of the water. To everyones surprise it even managed to get Lyndon out on one ski.

 The two Em's building sand castles.

We stayed later than usual as the high tide was late in the arvo and it's always the best time to be at Pangi.