Monday, May 31, 2010

Wettest week in May!

This week started off with the heavens opening and dumping about 95mm on Monday night. The kids thought it was great because they could see the water flowing down our street. Even after the cyclones it didn't seem to get this deep!

The view out to the main street! Also some of our new Bamboo fencing!
Looking Back past the garage!
Last Thursday we volunteered to set the weeks Hash run so after a few changes (noting half of the original run was still under water and swimming is a no go!), we finally found a long enough track to keep people dry and entertained by the sites. The local kids helped us mark out the track with chalk then it was back home for the start! Good numbers noting the weather. Hash is proving to be a great weekly event where we get to meet new people and see the real Tonga!

Introducing the starting crew for Hash
A few of the sites - Puwaka's in a locals back yard!
Tupou High school and footy field/swimming pool! And yes they still played on it!
Another backyard suffering from poor drainage!

One of our local Kindy's!

Ah tradition! You set the run you skull the beer! No beers were drunk last week due to a church service so Sal had to catch up this week!

Ah more tradition! You sin you still skull beer - just out of a potty!

Jodie escaped the family for a night with the girls (Hannah and Rochelle) to her favourite hang out White Sands Resort for some relaxing kid free time. While this was going on the Boys organised a family cricket day at a local park. The locals weren't up on the rules of cricket so they were some what reluctant to join in, at first. After nearly 4 hours of fun in the sun the stumps were pulled for another day.

Kicking back in the rock pools.
With mum safe and sound back at the kitchen sink, the kids and Lyndon begun work on the Taj Mahal of chook houses........... watch this space! On completion of destroying the back yard mum snuck off for a little lie down! So dad and the kids headed off on a tour de Tonga ride to the airport, some 19 kms away! A palaton of Palangi's (four families/11 people) out for a Sunday ride caught the eye of most Tongan's on their way to or from church. Dyl made it half way and back home with Dad in just under 2hrs. Em punched on and made it all the way with a lift home from the support vehicle. A great way to end the week end!

The beginnings of the mighty chook house.

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